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Jesus is Lord


Hello, I'm Esther. :)
I know my God is able, because He really is.

SuperJunior, DBSK, B2ST, 2AM, f(x) makes me smile. :)
I love Heechul, Jaejoong, JunHyung& Jo Kwon! ♥

Designer. : Nath!
Also. : Peekture!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Test test! :) Kinda did a revamp, took away video, chatbox and links. Heh.

bah-ed at 8:39 PM

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One fine day, Superman was flying around the city of Townsville when there was a case of robbery at the bank! Concerned about the safety of the townspeople, Superman sped up and flew to the bank as soon as he could. Right there at the entrance of the bank was a group of the city's most notorious villains, with a bag full of money in their hands. Just as Superman sped up towards the group, Batman appeared! To everyone's surprise, Batman was also making his way towards the villains! The two superheroes collided, and Batman flew off as Superman's speed was too fast for him to handle. Batman crashed into building after building, where he eventually died due to excessive internal blood loss. & this is the very day in history that Batman ever lost to Superman,

This is specially for Wenlei hehe.

bah-ed at 3:39 PM

Monday, January 10, 2011


On my 300th post.

bah-ed at 12:44 AM

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hi all who pass by! :) Please do me a favor! I just braced myself up& participated on CubeEnt's online global audition! The video is now up on YT& all you need to do is to view it& probably like it? If it doesn't disturb you, that it. :) Please get more people to view it cause I'd really love to have a chance to proceed onto the next round! THANK YOU GUYS! <3


bah-ed at 2:15 AM

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The two verses that got me through year 1 sem 1:

Proverbs 11:
20 God can't stand deceivers,
but oh how he relishes integrity.

Proverbs 12: 
 Fools have short fuses and explode all too quickly;
the prudent quietly shrug off insults.

Where has my faith gone to? I ponder day& night only to realize the answer was right in front of my. In fact, it's everywhere in my life. YAH WAKE UP!

bah-ed at 3:34 AM